Registration Fees (NEW STUDENTS): $375
$100/Year- Yearly Registration
(add $50 per additional concentration)
$150 Tuition Deposit (applied back to account)
Registration Fees (2023-2024 RETURNING STUDENTS): $325
$100/Year- Yearly Registration
$75/Year- Music & Materials Fee
(add $50 per additional concentration)
$150 Tuition Deposit (applied back to account)
*returning students who require a new studio binder or bag will be billed seperately.
*registration fess are required per season no matter when you registered for the previous season.
Private 1:1 Lessons Tuition per student
$195/Month (30 Minute Lesson per week)
16 Private Lessons per Semester
32 Private lessons per Season
*Additional Fees will apply for all Master Instructors
*$50/Month for every additional 15 minutes added to the weekly lesson
*Fees depend on number of sessions booked.
*Discounts applied for multiple sessions.
*Additional Fees will apply for all Master Coaches