As a singer, your vocal cords are your instrument. A flute would never be used to smash a golf ball, and a violin would never be used to propel a boat. Similarly, you should never abuse your voice. If your vocal cords are healthy, you'll be able to use your whole range and produce a rich, clean, tuneful voice.
In this blog post, you will learn several hacks to keep your singing voice healthy, whether you need to perform at the most important event in your life or give an audition that will open doors to endless opportunities.
Vocal Health
If you wish to pursue a career as a singer, your vocal health should be your primary priority. "Voice attracts the soul", this saying is highly applicable when it comes to singers. Whether they are superstars or shining stars, singers need to keep their voices as healthy as possible especially when you have an audition or a performance. Vocal health is the precious gift a singer can have that keeps on giving, and when singers are going through some vocal health disorders, it is tough for them to sing properly. You can perform specific exercises and here are some tips and hacks you can use to keep your voice peaceful and melodious. I have short-listed some of the best tips and hacks for you to keep your voice healthy before a performance or an audition.
11 Tips for Good Vocal Health
Nothing else matters when your voice refuses to cooperate! Professional voice-over artists know that specific preparations must be made before a performance. These pointers are helpful for all vocalists and ensuring that you present the most outstanding possible performance/audition. They are:
Tip#1: Get a Good Night Sleep Before a Performance or Audition
Your voice gets healthy and rested during your off times, so make sure to get enough peaceful sleep before your performance. In order to achieve this, the best step you can take is to avoid your mobile phone and if possible put it in another room, use black curtains to blackout lights so you can have a peaceful nights sleep. This will reduce your mental stress giving your voice rest and void of any stress.
Tip#2: Hydrate Yourself
It is necessary to hydrate your vocal cords, especially before a performance. You can drink a decent amount of water 1 hour before a performance. This will maximize the chances of an outstanding performance with hydrated vocal chords as well as it will make your vocal cords more elastic. You can also take some caffeine-free tea like chamomile or ginger or any foods containing water.
Tip #3 Pamper Your Voice
Pampering your voice means protecting it like opera singers do when they spend a whole day without speaking before their performance. You have to make sure to avoid situations that cause your vocal cords to be stressed, which means you have to avoid screaming or doing unnecessary talking before your performance or audition.
Tip #4: Warming Up
Warming up your voice is as necessary as providing gas to your car or electricity for an appliance. When your vocal cords are hydrated, it is much easier to warm up your voice. There are many exercises which will help you to warm up your voice. Vocal exercises cause the acid in the muscles around your vocal cords to break down, allowing the tendon in your throat to stretch and improve your vocal production. Other than this, the best way to warm up your voice is by humming. Alternatively, you can always sign-up for a few
Coaching Sessions
or better yet
Weekly Vocal Lessons
with an experienced
Vocal Coach.
They should be able to provide you with vocal exercises that will warm up your voice and have you ready for your performance or audition. Read our previous Blog Post on
7 Reasons Professional Training is Important Even for the Talented.
Tip #5: Personal Humidifier
Perhaps you live in a cold or dry region? In this case, having a personal humidifier is like saving not only your performance but you. A humidifier keeps your vocal cords at ease from drying. You can use a humidifier before warming up to moisturize your throat.
Tip #6: Diet
A healthy diet is not only good for your body but for your voice too. A healthy diet provides elasticity to your vocal folds. Avoid pasta or dairy products and chocolates before your session as they will dry out your voice. Use fruits containing water so they can hydrate your body and give your voice proper hydration as mentioned previously. Try to avoid meals before going to bed or 2-3 hours before your audition or performance. Water (particularly room-temperature water with a touch of lemon) and tea are the finest liquids for your singing voice, but be cautious not to overdo it on the caffeine, which might dehydrate you. Excellent herbal teas for vocalists are available and are ideal.
Tip #7: Your Breath
Activate your breath by doing breath relaxation exercises. Start taking a few normal breaths, and when you breathe, be conscious of your body and adjust it as necessary for singing. Use these tips below:
• Keep your shoulders and chest in mind.
• Make sure they're comfortable and at a low level.
• Make sure your breaths go into your lower abdomen instead of your chest. Placing your hand on your lower abdomen and making sure it rises and falls as you breathe can assist.
• Make an "S" sound as you exhale to warm up your vocal cords.
• Repeat as many times as necessary until you feel you're breathing slowly, deeply, and steadily.
Tip #8: Exercises
Do tongue trills or other lip exercises as a warm-up before starting to sing. You can also do some scales during your tongue exercises. Make some raspberry sounds by releasing air.
Tip #9: Cool Yourself Down
Even after warming-up or exercising your voice, do not forget to cool yourself down. Using 'm'
for humming and slightly vibrate your lips is great for this.
Tip #10: Don't Sing From the Throat
Even after doing everything and preparing your vocal cords, you must think about where your voice is coming from and not use your throat for signing. Instead, sing from your core which will relax your vocal cords and let your voice resonate in your chest.
Tip #11: Don't Push Yourself to Sing
If your vocal cords are hurting, do not push yourself to sing. I repeat, do not push yourself to sing. This could lead you to temporarily lose your voice as well damage your voice. Give yourself a little time to regain energy and rest before singing Again. This will increase your chances of a great performance or audition and is suitable for keeping your vocal cords healthy not just for when you need it but for a lifetime!
How Vocal Lessons with a Vocal Coach Can Give You the Advantage
While some can do all of the above themselves and go at it alone, others may need an experienced
Vocal Coach
to walk along side them and help navigate the techniques needed for great Vocal Health. If the latter is you, then please
Contact Us
and allow our experienced
Vocal Coaches to take your skills to the next level and increase your chances of Nailing that Audition and/or Performance.